LATTICE expands its offices!

17 December 2021

LATTICE continues its progression and fits out an additional 234m²!

Barely 3 years after our installation in the Eurasanté park, we had the pleasure of being able to expand our premises thanks to the help of France relance. The services of Aurélie Passelecq, interior designer, have enabled us to create attractive premises for our entire team!

These additional 234m² allow us to expand our additive manufacturing equipment, including a new 3D printing laboratory!

Thanks to this expansion, LATTICE SERVICES has a new 3D printing laboratory, fully equipped to manufacture your custom projects!

We are now able to offer you different services in order to realize all your ideas:

Extrusion of customisable filaments;
3D printing using various techniques: FDM, SLS, SLA;
Mechanical and cellular tests.

For more information, please contact us: