New 3d printing filaments – Newsletter 1

16 March 2023

Good news, our new filaments (ABS, TPE, PC, PETG) are finally available and on sale on our website !

You can now order on the Lattice Services website our new filaments for 3D printing.

This range of filaments is made from medical grade polymer pellets certified ISO 10993-5 for skin contact. These filaments are produced in our premises in France.

Some details about our filaments:

Some informations to go further:

  • Medical ABS Filament: Created from the Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene material, ivory colored. It is a rigid and durable filament. It complies with the ISO 10993-5 certification for skin contact. With this filament you will be able to make 3d parts such as prototypes in contact with the skin or surgical models.
  • PC Medical Filament: This filament is made from Polycarbonate. It is very strong and resistant to high temperatures. Like ABS Medical, PC Medical filament is ISO 10993-5 certified for skin contact. Moreover, it is an autoclavable filament. You can therefore use it in the operating room as a cutting guide or for surgical instruments.
  • PETG Medical Filament: Made with Polyethylene Glycol material, this filament is easy to use despite its rigidity. Like the 2 previous ones, this filament respects the ISO 10993-5 certification for skin contact. It is a clear filament and thanks to it you can print orthoses for example.
  • TPE Medical Filament: Filament made from Thermoplastic Elastomer material, it is white. And also respecting the ISO 10993-5 certification, thanks to this flexible filament you can print orthotics.

And stay tuned, soon we will write new articles with more details on our different filaments !

Our upcoming events:

  • March 22nd to 24th, meet us at the BBM in Barcelona for our breast implant MATTISSE.
  • April 6, we participate in the webinar organized by Machine3D. So do not hesitate to come and ask your questions.