3D Machines x LATTICE SERVICES collaboration.

Partenariat Lattice Services x Machines 3D
17 February 2021

LATTICE MEDICAL is pleased to announce its new partnership with Machines 3D!

Located in Valenciennes, Machines-3D is one of the European leaders in the sale and development of digital manufacturing tools. The company has been offering 3D printers, 3D scanners, consumables and accessories to professionals since 2013 in the fields of industry, education, research and health.

This new partnership offers us the opportunity to develop a range of innovative materials dedicated to 3D printing in the medical sector. A webinar session has been realised by Machines-3D and Lattice Services in order to present 3D printing in the medical field. You will discover the manufacturing process of our filaments, but also the technical specificities of our different medical resorbable and implantable filaments designed for your research and development activities. These filaments are used to make bone implants, sutures, textile meshes, tissue engineering scaffolds, parietal reinforcements or nerve reconstruction guides. Their resorbable capacities between 4 and 24 months make them a major revolution in the medical sector!

Below, a video extract of our webinar. To see the rest click here !

You can also find our DIOXACTISSE [PDO], GLYCOLACTISSE [PLGA] and CAPROLACTISSE [PLCL] filaments on their website.